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  1. J. Y. Chen*, H. C. Hsieh, Y. C. Chiu, W. Y. Lee, C. C. Hung, C. C. Chueh and W. C. Chen*, "Electrospinning-induced elastomeric properties of conjugated polymers for extremely stretchable nanofibers and rubbery optoelectronics" J. Mater. Chem. C8, 873 (2020).

  2. S. Nikzad, H.-C. Wu, J. Kim, C. M. Mahoney, J. R. Matthews, W. Niu, Y. Li, H. Wang, W.-C. Chen, M. F. Toney, M. He*, Z. Bao*, "Inducing Molecular Aggregation of Polymer Semiconductors in a Secondary Insulating Polymer Matrix to Enhance Charge Transport" Chem. Mater., 32, 897 (2020).

  3. Y.-T. Wong, P.-C. Lin, C.-W. Tseng, Y.-W. Huang, Y.-A. Su, W. C. Chen, C.-C. Chueh*, "Biaxially-extended side-chain engineering of benzodithiophene-based conjugated polymers and their applications in polymer solar cells" Org. Electron.,  79, 105630 (2020).

  4. Y.-A. Su, N. Maebayashi, H. Fujita, Y.-C. Lin, C.-I Chen, W.-C. Chen, T. Michinobu,* C-C Chueh*, T Higashihara*, "Development of Block Copolymers with Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Segments as Compatibilizers in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12, 12083 (2020).

  5. J.-Y. Lam, G.-W. Jang, C.-J. Huang, S.-H. Tung*, W.-C. Chen*, "Environmentally Friendly Resistive Switching Memory Devices with DNA as the Active Layer and Bio-Based Polyethylene Furanoate as the Substrate" ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 8, 5100 (2020).

  6. Y.-T. Tseng, Y.-C. Lin, C.-C. Shih, H.-C. Hsieh, W.-Y. Lee, Y.-C. Chiu, W.-C. Chen*, "Morphology and Properties of PEDOT:PSS/Soft Polymer Blends through Hydrogen Bonding Interaction and Their Pressure Sensor Application" J. Mater. Chem. C, 8, 6013 (2020) (Featured on front cover page).

  7. Loganathan Veeramuthu, Fang-Cheng Liang, Zhi-Xuan Zhang, Chia-Jung Cho, Ender Ercan, Chu-Chen Chueh, Wen-Chang Chen, Redouane Borsali, Chi-Ching Kuo*, "Improving the Performance and Stability of Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by a Polymeric Nanothick Interlayer-Assisted Grain Control Process" ACS Omega, 5, 8972 (2020).

  8. Fang-Cheng Liang, Hau-Jen Ku, Chia-Jung Cho, Wei-Cheng Chen, Wen-Ya Lee, Wen-Chang Chen, Syang-Peng Rwei, Redouane Borsali* and  Chi-Ching Kuo*, "An intrinsically stretchable and ultrasensitive nanofiber-based resistive pressure sensor for wearable electronics" J. Mater. Chem. C, 8, 5361 (2020).

  9. Yen-Wen Huang, Yan-Cheng Lin, Ying-Sheng Wu, Yu-Tai Wong, Ming-Yu Kuo, Wen-Chang Chen* and Chu-Chen Chueh*, "Structure-Mobility Relationship of Benzodithiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers with Varied Biaxially-Extended Conjugated Side Chains" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59, 9105 (2020).

  10. Tsung-Han Chuang, Yun-Chi Chiang, Hui-Ching Hsieh, Takuya Isono, Chao-Wei Huang, Redouane Borsali, Toshifumi Satoh* and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Nanostructure- and Orientation- Controlled Resistive Memory Behaviors of Carbohydrate-block-Polystyrene with Different Molecular Weights Via Solvent Annealing" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 23217 (2020).

  11. Hui-Ching Hsieh, Nathan Wu, Tsung-Han Chuang, Wen-Ya Lee, Jung-Yao Chen, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Eco-friendly Polyfluorene/Poly(butylene succinate) Blends and Their Electronic Device Application on Biodegradable Substrate" ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2, 2469 (2020).

  12. Ying-Sheng Wu, Yan-Cheng Lin, Sheng-Yuan Hung, Chun-Kai Chen, Yun-Chi Chiang, Chu-Chen Chueh*, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Investigation of the Mobility–Stretchability Relationship of Ester-Substituted Polythiophene Derivatives" Macromlecules, 53, 4968 (2020).

  13. Yan-Cheng Lin, Chun-Kai Chen, Yun-Chi Chiang, Chih-Chien Hung, Mao-Chun Fu, Shin Inagaki, Chu-Chen Chueh, Tomoya Higashihara*, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Study on Intrinsic Stretchability of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based π-Conjugated Copolymers with Poly(acryl amide) Side-chains for Organic Field-effect Transistors" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 33014 (2020) (Featured on issue cover page).

  14. Chun-Kai Chen, Yan-Cheng Lin, Satoshi Miyane, Shinji Ando, Mitsuru Ueda, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Thermally and Mechanically Stable Polyimides as Flexible Substrates for Organic Field-effect Transistors" ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2, 3422 (2020) (Featured on issue cover page).

  15. Takuya Isono*, Saki Nakahira, Hui-Ching Hsieh, Satoshi Katsuhara, Hiroaki Mamiya, Takuya Yamamoto, Wen-Chang Chen, Redouane Borsali, Kenji Tajima, and Toshifumi Satoh*, "Carbohydrates as Hard Segments for Sustainable Elastomers: Carbohydrates Direct the Self-Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Fully Bio-Based Block Copolymers" Macromolecules, 53, 5408 (2020).

  16. Ender Ercan, Cheng‐Liang Liu*, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Nano–Micro Dimensional Structures of Fiber‐Shaped Luminous Halide Perovskite Composites for Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications" Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2000157 (2020).

  17. Yun‐Chi Chiang, Chih‐Chien Hung, Yan‐Cheng Lin, Yu‐Cheng Chiu, Takuya Isono, Toshifumi Satoh*, and  Wen‐Chang Chen*, "High‐Performance Nonvolatile Organic Photonic Transistor Memory Devices using Conjugated Rod–Coil Materials as a Floating Gate" Adv. Mater., 32, 2002638 (2020).

  18. Li-Che Hsu, Saburo Kobayashi, Takuya Isono, Yun-Chi Chiang, Brian J. Ree, Toshifumi Satoh*, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Highly Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers for Field-Effect Transistors through Branched Soft–Hard–Soft Type Triblock Copolymers" Macromolecules, 53, 7496 (2020) (Featured on issue cover page).

  19. Ming-Yun Liao, Yun-Chi Chiang, Chiung-Han Chen, Wen-Chang Chen, and Chu-Chen Chueh*, "2D Cs2Pb(SCN)2Br2-based Photomemory Devices Showing a Photo-Induced Recovery Behavior and an Unusual Fully Optically-Driven Memory Behavior" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 36398 (2020).

  20. Kai-Ting Huang, Chih-Ping Chen*, Bing-Huang Jiang, Ru-Jong Jeng, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Green poly-lysine as electron-extraction modified layer with over 15% power conversion efficiency and its application in bio-based flexible organic solar cells" Org. Electron., 87, 105924 (2020).

  21. Yen-Wen Huang, Yan-Cheng Lin, Hao-Chi Yen, Chun-Kai Chen, Wen-Ya Lee, Wen-Chang Chen*, and Chu-Chen Chueh*, "High Mobility Preservation of Near Amorphous Conjugated Polymers in the Stretched States Enabled by Biaxially-Extended Conjugated Side-Chain Design" Chem. Mater., 32, 7370 (2020).

  22. Ling‐Ya Tseng, Yan‐Cheng Lin, Chih‐Cheng Kuo, Chun‐Kai Chen, Chuan‐En Wang, Chi‐Ching Kuo*, Mitsuru Ueda, and Wen‐Chang Chen*, "Alkaline‐developable and negative‐type photosensitive polyimide with high sensitivity and excellent mechanical properties using photo‐base generator" J Polym Sci., 58, 2366 (2020).

  23. Wei‐Chen Yang, Yun‐Chi Chiang, Jeun‐Yan Lam, Tsung‐Han Chuang, Ender Ercan, Chu‐Chen Chueh*, and Wen‐Chang Chen*, "Improving Performance of Nonvolatile Perovskite‐Based Photomemory by Size Restrain of Perovskites Nanocrystals in the Hybrid Floating Gate" Adv. Electron. Mater., 6, 2000458 (2020).

  24. Li‐Yun Su, Hsin‐Hsiang Huang, Yan‐Cheng Lin, Guan‐Lin Chen, Wen‐Chang Chen, Wei Chen, Leeyih Wang*, Chu‐Chen Chueh*, "Enhancing Long‐Term Thermal Stability of Non‐Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Using Self‐Assembly Amphiphilic Dendritic Block Copolymer Interlayers" Adv. Funct. Mater., 2005753 (2020).

  25. Ender Ercan*, Yan-Cheng Lin, Hui-Ching Hsieh, Li-Che Hsu, Jin-Chieh Ho, Wen-Chang Chen*, "One-dimensional micro-scale patterned conjugated polymer structures in bilayer architecture and light emitting diode application" Org. Electron., 87, 105965 (2020).

  26. Ling-Ya Tseng, Yan-Cheng Lin, Chih-Cheng Kuo, Chi-Ching Kuo*, Mitsuru Ueda, Wen-Chang Chen*, "An ultra heat-resistant polyimide formulated with photo-base generator for alkaline-developable, negative-type photoresist" React. Funct. Polym., 157, 104760 (2020).

  27. Kai-Ting Huang, Chu-Chen Chueh*, Wen-Chang Chen*, "Recent advance in renewable materials and green processes for optoelectronic applications" Mater. Today Sustainability, 100057 (2020).

  28. Yoko Sakai-Otsuka, Yoshiharu Nishiyama, Jean-Luc Putaux, Martin Brinkmann, Toshifumi Satoh, Wen-Chang Chen, Redouane Borsali*, "Competing Molecular Packing of Blocks in a Lamella-Forming Carbohydrate-block-poly(3-hexylthiophene) Copolymer" Macromolecules, 53, 9054 (2020).

  29. Yan-Cheng Lin, Yen-Wen Huang, Chih-Chien Hung, Yun-Chi Chiang, Chun-Kai Chen, Li-Che Hsu, Chu-Chen Chueh*, and Wen-Chang Chen*, "Backbone Engineering of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Conjugated Polymers through Random Terpolymerization for Improved Mobility–Stretchability Property" ACS Appl. Mater. Intrfaces, 12, 50648 (2020).

  30. Po-Chen Lin, Cheng-Tien Hsieh, Xin Liu, Feng-Cheng Chang, Wen-Chang Chen, Jiangsheng Yu, Chu-Chen Chueh*, "Fabricating efficient flexible organic photovoltaics using an eco-friendly cellulose nanofibers/silver nanowires conductive substrate" Chem. Eng. J., 405, 126996 (2020).


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