
Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers– 2022
(ChemE 5015, 3 Credit course for senior or graduate students)
By Professor Wen-Chang Chen
I. Outline:
Specialty Chemicals and Materials for Electronic Industry (6 hr)
Functional Polymers for Electronic Package and Communication (9 hr):
(1)Roles of polymers in Electronic Packaging and Printed Circuit Board
(2)Polymers for Electronic Packaging.
(3)Polymers for Printed Circuit Board
(4)Polymers for Communication -
Development of Conductive Polymers (6 hr):
(1)Discovery of Conductive Polymers
(2)Fundamentals of Conducting Polymers: Synthesis, Conducting Mechanism, and Properties.
(3)Applications of Conducting Polymers -
Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (21 hr):
(1)Design, Synthesis, and Properties of Conjugated Polymers
(2)Conjugated Polymers for Light-Emitting Diodes
(3)Conjugated Polymers for Field Effect Transistors
(4)Conjugated Polymers for Photovoltaic Cells
(5)Organic Electrical Memory Materials and Devices
(6)Conjugated Polymers for Stretchable Electronics
II.Prerequisites:Organic Chemistry or Polymer Chemistry
III.Grading Policy:Midterm exam (45%), Final Exam(45%),and homework and final report (20%).
IV.Lecture Notes:PowerPoint viewgraphs will be provided but no textbook.
Teaching Schedule
Week-1 Specialty Chemicals and Materials for Semiconducting Industry (1)
Week- 2 Specialty Chemicals and Materials for Semiconducting Industry (2)
Week-3 Functional Polymers for Electronic Packaging and Communication (1)
Week-4 Functional Polymers for Electronic Packaging and Communication (2)
Week-5 Functional Polymers for Electronic Packaging and Communication (3)
Week-6 Development of Conductive Polymers (1)
Week-7 Development of Conductive Polymers (2)
Week-8 Course materials review on Weeks 1-7
Week-9 Course materials review and Midterm Exam
Week-10 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (1)
Week-11 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (2)
Week-12 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (3)
Week-13 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (4)
Week-14 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (5)
Week-15 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (6)
Week-16 Conjugated Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (7)
Week-17 Final Exam
Week-18 Final report on special topic of the course.
Special Topic on Organic Materials Synthesis and Applications
課號及課程識別碼 ChemE5056 524 U0650
學分: 1
開授年級:3, 4年級及研究所
開授教授: 陳文章
Overview on Organic Functional Polymers for Chemical Industry (3 hr), 3/8, 6:30~9:20 pm, 普通教室202.
Design, Synthesis, and Applications of High Refractive Index Polymers and Nanocomposites (3 hr), 3/9 6:30~9:20 pm, 普通教室202.
(1)Group Contribution on the Design of High Refractive Index Polymers
(2)Synthesis, and Applications of High Refractive Index Polymers
(3)Synthesis, and Applications of High Refractive Index Nanocomposites -
Synthesis, Morphology, and Applications of Conjugated Rod-Coil Block Copolymers (3 hr), 3/10, 6:30~9:20 pm, 普通教室202.
(1)Synthesis of Conjugated Rod-Coil Block Copolymers with Different Molecular Architectures.
(2)Morphology, and Applications of Conjugated Rod-Coil Block Copolymers
(3)Stimuli Responsive Conjugated Rod-Coil Block Copolymers -
Polymers for Stretchable Electronic Device Applications (3 hr), 3/11, 6:30~9:20 pm, 普通教室202.
(1) Synthesis of Stretchable Polymers with Different Molecular Architectures.
(2) Characterization of Stretchable Polymers
(3) Stretchable Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications
5. Oral Presentation (3/18) and Final Report (due 3/31)
II. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry or Polymer Chemistry
III. Grading Policy: Home work (40%), Oral Presentation (20%) and Final Reports (40%).
IV. Lecture Notes (ppt viewgraphs) and reference papers will be provided but no textbook.